The founder of edtech-challenges is Alan Pollock. 

Alan's professional experience as an educational technologist

  • has been working as an educational technologist since 2002, appointed as the CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Co-ordinator at a university in the Middle East whilst also teaching in the classroom
  • took a leading role in training teachers in the iPad-only initiative at a college in the United Arab Emirates
  • has delivered over 400 professional development sessions since 2006
  • presented 20 workshops on using technology in the classroom at conferences 
  • co-designer of Digital Media Course for students and teachers 

Alan's teaching experience

  • has taught English as a Foreign Language, at universities and language schools in Western Australia and abroad
  • has also taught Social Studies, History, and Biology in high schools in Western Australia and abroad
  • has been a teacher trainer, Director of Studies and Deputy Headmaster.  

Alan's qualifications

  • has a Masters in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
  • has a B. Arts (History and Politics) and a Dip. Ed. from the University of Western Australia
  • is qualified to teach in the Further Education system in Australia

Alan's background

  • knows Western Australia as he was educated at Narrogin Senior High School and the University of Western Australia.
  • his children are in government schools in Lesmurdie. 

Alan travels to you

  • no wasted time for teachers to journey to some other venue
  • saves paying for cover teachers
  • no extra cost to include all teachers that may be interested in the workshop
  • may be possible to run workshops outside the metropolitan area
  • face-to-face training is still the best way to deliver this form of PD, especially those who are not confident using technology


  • For remote schools it is possible to offer webinars.

Not selling software or hardware

  • The workshops promote best practices and most appropriate software. Most often, appropriate means free as teachers rarely have large budgets to purchase software or hardware. I am not tied to pushing any particular product. 


  • As a self employed educational technologist, the cost of training to customers is kept down as you are not paying for the usual company add-ons in training such as secretaries, offices, rent, shareholder profits, etc.