Best settings for Youtube videos

It is probably not an uncommon experience to spend a lot of time trying to make a video  as high a quality as you can, then uploading it to Youtube and being very disappointed. It looks great when you play it on your computer but poor on the web. I just shrugged my shoulders and presumed that Youtube downgraded whatever I uploaded so there was little I could do. That fact that many videos were high quality on Youtube did raise a few doubts as to whether I really was powerless.

My son had noted that there were some high quality Youtube videos too – and he is a serious Youtuber: Random Robi . So he wrote to another Youtuber PlaneSpottingBerlin    whose videos he admired. Surprisingly, he did get a detailed answer.

The settings I use now are customised based on the settings my son now uses on Camtasia Studio 8 – these may be useful for other video editors too.

These are screenshots from my own computer:

Controller: These settings are standard:Youtube settings 1

Size: The size of the video could make a difference to the quality – the larger it is, the more likely the quality will be poorer. It depends if on the camera which shot the video.

Video settings: These are likely to be the most important to adjust.

Audio settings: These used to be important when the internet was slow. However, these days the difference in size between tinny sounding 32 kbps and decent quality 128 kbps isn’t worth troubling yourself about.

Hope this helps Youtubers improve their videos.

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