07 February 2025
Commenting on education and technology …. and perhaps a few rants tangential to these topics!
Engaging students online: Going beyond BB Collaborate and Zoom
BlackBoard Collaborate and Zoom are both excellent as web conferencing tools to link teachers and students, but educators need to expand their repertoire to include tools outside the web conferencing software to get engagement once the initial novelty wears off. … Continue reading →
Demise of Windows 7 and the digital divide at schools
As school begins for a new year in Australia, parents are doing their best to provide their children with as modern a computer as they can afford. Many will still have Win 7 as their operating system (as many tertiary … Continue reading →
Think again before buying a Windows 32 GB laptop
With the power of hardware these days, it is tempting to just buy a cheap lightweight laptop. After all, you can cruise the internet, check your email, and watch videos on them. Windows 10 is a great operating system for … Continue reading →
New quizmaker software: Swency
If you find Kahoot too much hype and over competitive, with too many options that you never use, then there is a start up that has produced a simple down to earth quiz maker. It is web-based, called Swency (https://swency.net). … Continue reading →
Macbook abandoned by Apple, embraced by Linux
Installing Ubuntu on a mid-2007 Macbook For the last couple of weeks I have been fighting a losing battle trying to get Linux to work on an Macbook. I was happy enough to use the Macbook with the original software … Continue reading →
Two more online clipboards worth knowing about
Since I move around a lot of different campuses and venues, I talk to a lot of groups that I want to give links to so they can see online resources I have created or want to share with them. … Continue reading →