If you haven’t been following Quizlet for a few months then you may not have noticed that they have now included hotspot quiz technology.
Simply put, it means that you can create hotspots on a picture – for example a map, a diagram of a heart, a picture of a car, etc. If a student can click on the correct part they get the mark. It allows students to match positions with pictures or words – better than matching words with words, especially for students who have reading difficulties. I have used the following diagram from Quizlet diagrams for an Anatomy class.
This sort of question could be designed by having a picture with numbers, but it is a lot more satisfying and kinaesthetically reinforcing by having to click on a location rather than select a number or letter.
Picture from:https://quizlet.com/diagram-showcase
In line with the Quizlet philosophy, you can use any of the diagram questions that have been created. However, if you want to edit them or create your own, you must upgrade to a Quizlet Teacher. Whether it Is worth it for you depends on how much you think you will use the feature – and the other advantages of becoming a Quizlet Teacher. You can see the advantages and the cost of doing so here: https://quizlet.com/upgrade?showTeacher