Over a quarter of a million people (“more than 260,000 participants” was announced today) have registered on Edinburgh University’s MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) with over 40,000 on the E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC which started on Monday 28th Jan 2013. Easy to get lost and / or overwhelmed in it I imagine. The organisers are urging everyone to contribute in their own way. The reason I joined was to see the latest insights and research into this topic and see what is valuable to apply to my personal environment – my family and work. My plan is to mainly read and watch the recommended resources. I am wary of spending too much time reading comments on discussion forums – once you start contributing to a thread you are likely to be tracking it to see what replies and ideas come up. Also, trolls often appear and need to be studiously ignored!
It lasts for 5 weeks and I’ll try to blog on the weekly theme here. The first is whether the Digital Age is bringing utopia or dystopia. The answer that immediately springs to mind is that it depends on the digital devices, who uses them and how. Plus, who determines the outcomes – the politics and economics of the Digital Age. Hope to have a more finely grained post by the end of Sunday. Just click on the MOOC category to the right of this post in the sidebar to see all the posts together that I will make about the MOOC in this blog.
If anyone wishes to follow the MOOC on Twitter, here is the hashtag: #edcmooc
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