Above is Bluff Knoll which is part of the Stirling Ranges in the south of Western Australia
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Category Archives: elearning tools
Engaging students online: Going beyond BB Collaborate and Zoom
BlackBoard Collaborate and Zoom are both excellent as web conferencing tools to link teachers and students, but educators need to expand their repertoire to include tools outside the web conferencing software to get engagement once the initial novelty wears off. … Continue reading
Posted in elearning tools, Quiz, Vocabulary, websites
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New quizmaker software: Swency
If you find Kahoot too much hype and over competitive, with too many options that you never use, then there is a start up that has produced a simple down to earth quiz maker. It is web-based, called Swency (https://swency.net). … Continue reading
Two more online clipboards worth knowing about
Since I move around a lot of different campuses and venues, I talk to a lot of groups that I want to give links to so they can see online resources I have created or want to share with them. … Continue reading
Quizlet – new hotspot style quiz for visual learners
If you haven’t been following Quizlet for a few months then you may not have noticed that they have now included hotspot quiz technology. Simply put, it means that you can create hotspots on a picture – for example a … Continue reading
Speed up Joomla 3.7.5 – a plugin that made my site crawl
In the past few days a website I administer Kampot-ontheedge.org became painfully slow. I am talking about taking 35 seconds to load any page on the website. When I tried to get some idea of the problem using GTmetrics it took … Continue reading
Posted in elearning tools, Hosting, Joomla, websites
Tagged ExtraWatch, ExtraWatch Live!!, Joomle, plugins, slow Joomla, slow webpage, slow website
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Best settings for Youtube videos
It is probably not an uncommon experience to spend a lot of time trying to make a video as high a quality as you can, then uploading it to Youtube and being very disappointed. It looks great when you play … Continue reading
Posted in elearning tools, Social Media
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Youtube uploading can choke your internet
Ever find at home that the internet becomes very slow suddenly and for no apparent reason? You guess someone is downloading a movie but no one is. Someone is uploading to Youtube, but that should be okay as it doesn’t … Continue reading
Even digital natives need help from teachers at times
Just because students look really switched on and masters of their digital world doesn’t mean they can effortlessly adapt to a new app or online program. Teachers can’t assume too much digital expertise and will need to build in the … Continue reading
Reduce long urls to a click
View this video to see how you can use justpaste.it to reduce a long url to a clickable one. Great for mLearning on phones and tablets. In short: Copy a web link from a website. Go to justpaste.it Write a … Continue reading
Posted in Cloud Computing, elearning tools, iPad, Productivity
Tagged eLearning, hyperlink, iPads, justpaste.it, links, phones
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Turn webpages into PDFs
You can use the Print function in Windows to save a webpage as a PDF – but the end result can be quite disappointing with some words missing and formatting all over the place. A better option is to use … Continue reading
Posted in Cloud Computing, elearning tools, Linux, Microsoft, Productivity
Tagged cross-platform, free, linux, PDF, print, webpage
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