Above is Bluff Knoll which is part of the Stirling Ranges in the south of Western Australia
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Category Archives: Social Media
Youtube keeps offensive Youtuber, kicks out proven inoffensive creators.
New YouTube Partner Program (YPP) rules announced on 16 January 2018 will penalize the smaller and new video creators (https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/72857?hl=en). These new rules state that a Youtube channel needs to have 4000 hours of viewing time and 1000 subscribers to … Continue reading
Best settings for Youtube videos
It is probably not an uncommon experience to spend a lot of time trying to make a video as high a quality as you can, then uploading it to Youtube and being very disappointed. It looks great when you play … Continue reading
Posted in elearning tools, Social Media
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20 warning signs to check if you are up to date with teaching technology :)
Interesting infographic from Emerging EdTech. Do they apply to you? I confess I have think hard about a couple of them myself!