Above is Bluff Knoll which is part of the Stirling Ranges in the south of Western Australia
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Tag Archives: poll
Improved Nearpod now acting as “anywherepod”
When my colleagues and I first tried out Nearpod it was a bit problematic connecting to each other. Students and teachers used different wireless networks – was that the problem? Whatever the problem, it was limited to teachers and students … Continue reading
Posted in elearning tools, iPad
Tagged cloud, cross-platform, Nearpod, poll, sharing
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WordPress vs Blogger?
I was asked recently to help some staff create a blog. Nothing too fancy – the content is the main focus. So I decided to build a mock blog that would contain the basics I thought they might want. Starting … Continue reading
Posted in elearning tools, Polling software
Tagged Blogger, Flikr, Picasa, poll, tools, Twitter, WordPress
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An easy to use online poll
A colleague wanted to see if his students had learnt a vocabulary item he had taught in the previous lesson. He had made up a multiple choice question to test the item and would usually put it on the … Continue reading
Posted in Cloud Computing, Polling software
Tagged cloud, free, poll, polleverywhere, software, survey
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