Tag Archives: collaboration

Sharing links with iPad users is just a tap away

Scenario – you have a new class and want them all to go to this great website. Problem is the website url is really very long. Writing it on the board is not going to work well. What do you … Continue reading

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Keep tabs on how your students are performing on their iPads.

You have a class of 20 students and they work at different speeds. You do your best to keep tabs on their performance in an activity, but really, with an average of 2.5 minutes to attend to each student in … Continue reading

Posted in Cloud Computing, collaboration, iPad, Polling software | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

iOS6 upgrade is a relief for educators and collaborators using iPads

There has been some negative press about the iOS6 upgrade to iPhones and iPads, and Apple certainly deserve to be castigated for the poor map for the country I live in, the UAE, compared to the old map. However, one … Continue reading

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Cross-platform sharing with kl1p.com

Imagine this scenario – you are at a conference and you want some group participation by way of some written information to an open ended question. Easy enough if you are in a lab with OneNote, but quite a different … Continue reading

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